pH, pKa and drugs
Acidic drugs are absorbed in acidic medium
Eg: Ibuprofen is an acidic drug with pKa 4.4 ,after oral administration it reaches the
Gastric juice where pH is 2.5 ,according to the formulae 79.43% is unionized where absorption of the drug takes place, from where it enters the blood where pH is 7.4 and gets distributed through the body and finally excreted via urine where pH is 8
Basic drugs are better absorbed in basic medium
Eg : Atropine is a basic drug with pKa 9.3, which is usually given via an intravenous route where pH is 7.4 according to the formulae 79.43% is unionized and absorption of the drug takes places and it reaches different tissues of the body to perform its anti-cholinergic effects after which it undergoes enzymatic degradation in liver whereas some are excreted unchanged in urine where pH is 8.
The relationship between the pKa of an acidic (AH) and basic (B) drug and the pH of the biological medium (sr: |
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