Perhaps, If Tom would have known what's in there and what does it do to him he would not have been this much afraid of the situation.😕
     We all would have faced the same fearful situation 😫 when we were young👶, even we did not know at that time what PHARMACOKINETICS really is and how we are overcoming sickness😊!!!

     PHARMACOKINETICS is defined as the process of how drug concentrations changes with time in one or more different regions of the body in relation to dosing
      For a drug to be utilized in the body it has to overcome various barriers before reaching the target of action.. Mechanisms by which a drug cross these barriers along with their physicochemical properties also play a major role in their movement.

Source: John Wiley & Sons.Inc

The fluid compartments of the body are divided into Intracellular and extracellular fluids. The extracellular fluid  is further composed of 80% Interstitial fluid and 20% plasma. These compartments are seperated by barrier membranes namely the capillary membrane and the cell membrane. Interstitial fluid is present between these two membranes.


