Factors affecting drug distribution within compartments

The body is divided into different fluid compartments & each contribute to certain amount of body weight
SOURCE : shuterstock.com
-Among Extracellular fluid  
a)Interstitial fluid      - 14L  (0.2% of BW)
b)Blood plasma         - 3.5L (0.05 % of  BW)
c)Lymph                    - 1.2 L (0.01% of BW)
-Intracellular fluid     -  28 L (0.57% of BW)
-Transcellular fluid    - 2.5L  (0.03% of BW)
-Fat                             -         (20% of BW )
    Drugs entering the body are distributed in these compartments. Keeping in mind of the plasma proteins only the drugs that are in free form are able to move between the compartments.
    Lipid insoluble drugs are mainly confined plasma and interstitial fluids. Lipid soluble drugs reach all the compartments and may accumulate in fat 

Apparent volume of distribution
is defined as the volume that would contain the total body content of the drug at a concentration equal to that present in plasma concentration, Given by the formula 
                         V = Q / CP


Pattern of distribution of the drugs depends on these factors
  1) Permeability
      only small molecules can easily pass through - steroids, H2O ,CO2 & O

 2) Binding within compartment
      Drugs with high plasma protein (> 90% )binding causes them to be inactive, usually acidic drugs   fall under this category

  3)  pH partition
      According to the hypothesis, only unionized nonpolar drug can permeate the membrane and total concentration on each side of the membrane depends on the degree of  ionization.
Example is shown for a weak base with a pKa -6.4, Higher concentration is seen on the lower pH side of the membrane, opposite is true for a weak acid. Source: https://basicmedicalkey.com/

4)  Fat : water partition coefficient -
      Denotes the distribution of drug in fat and water. The more the value higher will be the distribution in Fat. Eg: Thiopental has a value of 10 hence it diffuses quickly into the tissues and has been used for induction of Anesthesia 


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